Editor's review
This is software for proximity advertising via Bluetooth connectivity. Bluetooth Promoter 24x7 provides free transmission of any files (TXT, MP3, JPG, 3GP, MP4, vCard) to mobile and fixed devices via Bluetooth.
Features: This is software provides a way for doing proximity advertising via Bluetooth connectivity. Bluetooth marketing is one of the new formats of mobile marketing. Automatic transmission of different files over Bluetooth to mobile phones, handheld devices, and laptop computers that occur within the coverage of your Bluetooth transmitter is managed by this software. The data is transmitted upon the advance confirmation of the receiver. The device expecting to receive the content will prompt user to accept or reject the contact. Data in the format of individual files (plain-text, MP3 audio, 3GP/MP4 video, etc.) will be transmitted to the subscriber’s phone on acceptance. This method can be used for spreading discount coupons/ringtones, spreading ringtones/pictures with your brand, pictures/movies with any commercials, java games etc. For example a visitor browsing Toyota cars, could be proposed to receive a free commercial a new vehicle model or a movie with its crash test or, just a text file with packages and prices.
Bluetooth Promoter 24x7 provides transmission of TXT, MP3, JPG, 3GP, MP4, vCal, vCard etc to any Bluetooth devices such as mobile phones, Smartphones, hand-held devices, communicators, laptops, mini-laptop computers within the coverage over Bluetooth. You can use "Bluetooth Promoter 24x7" for distributing your promo materials truly 24x7 automatically. You need only a computer, a Laptop with a Bluetooth dongle. It`s possible to advertise any file, only limitation is that it should be viewable on your customer`s handheld device.
Overall: Nice and easy to use advertising scheme. It is likely to be quite effective.
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